Laura Carlson Steger & Norma Smayda
- Pattern Play with Bertha Gray Hayes (BGH)
Vila Cox
- Diversified Plain Weave
Ivy DeHart
- Designing and Dyeing Painted Warps for Display Pieces
Lynn Fitzpatrick
- On Weaving Architecture: The Potential of Lightweight Woven Structures
Patrice George
- How to Read a Swatch: Basic Woven Fabric Analysis
Brenda Gibson
- ’Joining the Dots’ (Double Two-Tie Unit Weave Threading System)
Giovanna Imperia
- Exploring the Design Possibilities of Wire
- Fabric that Moves: Creating Exciting Textiles with Elastic Yarns
Carol James
- Interlinking Interlacing Intertwining (Sprang Structures and their Infinite Potential)
Beth Ross Johnson
- Shifting Ikat in the Warp and Weft
Denise Kovnat
- Weaving Outside the Box: Creating Dimensional Cloth
Gay McGeary
- The Legacy of Star Work Coverlets
Molly McLaughlin
- Supplementing Some Pizzazz into our Weaving Lives
Phyllis Miller
- Woven Sashiko
Rosalie Neilson
- Kumihimo: From Defense to Decoration
- Roman Numerals, Rabbits and Fudge: The Fibonacci Factor
Sara Nordling
- Theo Moorman Explored
- Exploring Gradients
Sally Orgren
- Ada Explained: Algebraic Expressions in Handwoven Textiles
Linda Schultz
- Tessellations are Cool!
- Double Two-Tie in Parallel
Barbara Setsu Pickett
- Playing with Symmetry in Figured Velvet Design
Lynn Smetko
- Polychrome Summer and Winter
- Design Deliberations and a Design Journey
Robyn Spady
- Weave Study Day – Part 2 (Registrants must do both parts)
- Weave Study Day – Part 1 (Registrants must do both parts)
Marian Stubenitsky
- Double With a Twist
Jannie Taylor
- Designing Polychrome Taqueté In Weavepoint
Laura Thode
- A Perusal of Passementerie
Rebecca Winter
- Shadow Weave within the Powell Method

July 6-9, 2024
The Hyatt Regency Hotel
Wichita, Kansas