Hint for current members: If you see the link to My Profile in the top right hand corner of this screen, you are already logged on–just click on the link and you’ll go there. This is also where you can check to see your renewal date and renew if you are an existing member.
Your username and password were sent to you by email when you joined. If you don’t remember your logon credentials, you use your email address and the ‘Lost Password’ button. This will send new login info to your email address and you can proceed. If you still have trouble, you can contact the Membership Chair to request them. To get to the contact form, go to the contact button on the home page or click on the ‘Contact’ member tab above and choose ‘Committee Chairs’ from the dropdown.
Payment for new members must be received by the end of the month prior in order to be on the mailing list for the Journal. For example, by January 31 for the February Journal, May 31 for the June Journal and September 30 for the October Journal. Our current members are reminded that they too must be paid up before the deadline in order to assure continued delivery.