Complex Weavers is eager to welcome entries for Complexity 2024. Online submission will begin Nov. 1, 2023, through a service to be announced. Entry deadline is Feb. 16, 2024. Work must have been completed after March 15, 2022. The prospectus is now available to view and download from our website.
Events and Exhibits
Complexity 2022 Prospectus

Complex Weavers is eager to welcome entries for Complexity 2022. Online submission will begin Nov. 1, 2021, through a service to be announced. Entry deadline is Feb. 15, 2022. Work must have been completed after March 15, 2020. The prospectus is now available to view and download from our website.
Cartography of Cloth

Complex Weavers in Australia have created their first members’ exhibition Cartography of Cloth, which is open at Strathnairn Arts, Canberra from 3 to 27 June 2021. You can also view the work online via the Gallery website.
Complexity Update

With regret, Complexity 2020 is cancelled as a physical exhibit. We are currently exploring options for alternative ways to share these incredible weavings with you! Stay tuned.
CW Seminars has been cancelled

A message from Seminars 2020 Co-Chairs Cathie Chung and Diane Smith:
“2020 has been a roller coaster year so far. We hope you and your families are safe and healthy.
“Planning Seminars 2020 has been quite the challenge. Seminars is an exciting part of Complex Weavers, and that excitement helped keep our planning focused and on track despite significant obstacles. However, making sure we can all stay healthy is our highest concern, and we have concluded that we must do the responsible thing.
“It is with mixed emotions we are cancelling Seminars 2020. We will miss seeing everyone and exchanging ideas.
“The volunteer efforts that went into planning Seminars 2020 are appreciated more than we can say. As with everything in our organization, the tasks required to create our conference were generously handled by volunteers. In addition, as we navigated the many challenges that came our way, everyone involved responded with patience and understanding, for which we are grateful. Thank you.”
More information for registrants can be found here.
CW Seminars is moving

Due to circumstances beyond our control, CW Seminars will be relocating to the Hilton Knoxville. It is a short walk via covered skybridge to the Knoxville Convention Center. You can look forward to all the same events and seminars. We have worked out a smooth transition to the new venue, with just a little extra effort by those who have already booked at the Holiday Inn.
Time to plan for Seminars 2020!

Complex Weavers Seminars 2020 is getting closer!
The Seminar leaders and topics have been selected. Details on the who, what, when and where can be found by clicking on the links on the Seminars 2020 page.
You can also now make your reservations for Knoxville at the Holiday Inn World’s Fair Park hotel. Accommodation links and other travel information are also available on the Seminars 2020 page.
Complex Weavers Southeast Gathering 2019

Following the first successful Southeast Gathering in 2017, the second will take place at Yadkin Valley Fiber Center in April 2019. This weekend offers lectures and hands on experiences starting Friday evening April 12 and ending Sunday April 14, 2019. Jette Vandermeiden, one of the three jurors for the 2018 Complexity exhibit in Reno, will be our guest speaker.
To find out more and to register go to the Yadkin Valley Fiber Center website.
Members can see a review of the first Gathering in the October 2017 CW Journal, page 11.
If you have any questions, contact Leslie Killeen.