With regret, Complexity 2020 is cancelled as a physical exhibit. We are currently exploring options for alternative ways to share these incredible weavings with you! Stay tuned.
With regret, Complexity 2020 is cancelled as a physical exhibit. We are currently exploring options for alternative ways to share these incredible weavings with you! Stay tuned.
Complex Weavers President, Mimi Anderson, has sent the following message to all members.
Dear Complex Weavers members,
These are extraordinary times that we are facing. Our hearts go out to those impacted by COVID-19. This includes not only those diagnosed with the virus, but also their friends and families whose jobs, schools and lives have been affected.
Because of the situation we take a “wait and see” directive regarding the scheduled Seminars 2020, and Complexity, both planned for Knoxville, TN in July.
We are not a brick and mortar organization, fortunately, and our primary goal – to further the interest in weaving and related textile arts – can happen without meeting face-to-face. However, cancelling Seminars and Complexity would have significant financial ramifications for our organization, as well as being a huge disappointment. So, at the moment, we are gathering information, paying close attention to the recommendations of the authorities and grappling with deciding the best course of action.
If you are registered or have considered coming, please hang onto that thought. There are spaces available. Of course, if we need to cancel the entire event, all registrations will be refunded, less minimal administrative costs incurred.
As we all continue to adjust our daily lives while “hunkering down”, we hope you find a creative refuge in the safety of your home. Tapping into our creativity is one of the best ways to connect with ourselves and our loved ones.
Stay safe and stay tuned.
Mimi Anderson
President, Complex Weavers
Complexity 2020: Innovations in Weaving will take place alongside HGA’s Convergence and CW Seminars in Knoxville, TN in July 2020.
The prospectus is now available here so it is time to start designing and weaving.
What will you create?
Once again a phenomenal exhibit of handwoven art is presented in Complexity 2018: Innovations in Weaving. The Complexity committee, chaired by Susan Bowman, have worked tirelessly to bring this exhibit to life and we are grateful to them and to jurors Kay Faulkner, Janice Lessman-Moss and Jette Vandermeiden for all their efforts. The exhibtion will continue at the Metro Gallery in Reno’s City Hall from now until Thursday July 12. Why not download our e-postcard and share it with your family, friends and fellow weavers!
Jury results for Complexity 2018: Innovations in Weaving were emailed on March 8, 2018, in a PDF attachment from complexity2018@gmail.com via email.submittable.com. If you made a submission to the exhibit but haven’t received that email, please check your spam folder. If you still can’t locate it, let the committee know by emailing them at complexity2018@gmail.com and a resend will be done. Thank you to everyone who entered!
It’s time to get creative for Complexity 2018: Innovations in Weaving, our juried exhibit! The entry window is now through January 15, 2018. Categories are Apparel and Accessories, Home Furnishings including functional textiles, Yardage and 2- and 3-Dimensional work. Entering is easy via Submittable, our call-for-entry provider.
The prospectus can be found on the Complexity web page and a link to the entry form is now active.
Submission deadline is January 15, 2018; what will you create to enter?
By entering, you stretch your creative muscles and support this important biennial members’ exhibit at Metro Gallery, inside Reno’s City Hall!
All the information you need is available here.
Complex Weavers is delighted to announce that Susan Bowman has agreed to chair Complexity 2018, our biennial exihibit. Susan has previously served on the Complexity committee and chaired two acclaimed international exhibits for the Pikes Peak Weavers Guild. Her own work has been shown in juried exhibits since 1995. You can read more about Susan’s life in weaving in the September 2016 newsletter.