Once again a phenomenal exhibit of handwoven art is presented in Complexity 2018: Innovations in Weaving. The Complexity committee, chaired by Susan Bowman, have worked tirelessly to bring this exhibit to life and we are grateful to them and to jurors Kay Faulkner, Janice Lessman-Moss and Jette Vandermeiden for all their efforts. The exhibtion will continue at the Metro Gallery in Reno’s City Hall from now until Thursday July 12. Why not download our e-postcard and share it with your family, friends and fellow weavers!
Complex Weavers will present the following awards before the closing reception on July 10, 2018.
- Diane Fabeck Award for Best in Show ($500)
- 1st Place and Complex Weavers Award ($300)
- 2nd Place ($200)
- 3rd Place ($150)
- Treenway Silks Award for Best Use of Silk ($75 gift certificate)
- Handweavers Guild of America Award
A list of the included works is available here. An online gallery will be made available shortly and members can look forward to a full-color guide in the June issue of the Complex Weavers Journal.
In the meantime, here is a brief glimpse to whet your appetite!
From left to right, work by: Suzy Furness, Brenda Gibson, Karen Donde, Susan Bowman, Lesley Willcock, Deborah Silver, Susie Taylor, Alice Schlein, Robin Haller, Lynn Smetko, Carol Wooten, Bonnie Inouye.