About the Journal
The Journal is published three times a year in February, June and October.
The current issue and the online Journal Archive are all available to logged in members here. Once a Journal issue has been published, images and WIFs will be posted in the Galleries.
Indexes to prior issues of the Journal are available to help you locate articles of interest:
Contributing to the Journal
The organizational motto of Complex Weavers is “Encouraging curiosity, exploration, innovation in weaving.” Our Journal is part of that encouragement. Complex Weavers Journal actively welcomes articles from our members. Unlike other publications, we do not publish articles from individuals outside of our organization. Please consider sharing your experience and knowledge with fellow members through the Journal.
Article submission deadlines are November 30, March 31 and July 31, respectively.
Your Journal staff, all volunteers, are ready and eager to help you with a contribution.
To contribute, please contact the Editor, Ruth MacGregor, using the form on the Contact page. CW Journal Article Guidelines are available here or can be obtained from the Editor. The Guidelines will answer a lot of your questions and save you time. Material for the Journal is given priority according to the date received and available space.
Advertising in the Journal
Commercial advertisements should be sent to the Advertising Manager. Members wishing to place classified ads in the CW Newsletter should also contact the Advertising Manager.
Your membership and the Journal
The mailing list for the Journal contains only current members. Please be sure to keep your membership current, as back issues of the Journal are not always available.
Your membership profile, including your mailing address and your membership expiration date may be viewed by logging in at the top of the page.
For membership issues, please contact Amy Norris, Membership Chair. For issues related to receiving your Journal, please contact the Printing and Distribution Liaison, Lynn Smetko.
Our team of volunteers
Editor: Ruth MacGregor
Assistant Editor, Copy: Mimi Smith
Assistant Layout Editors: Janet Stollnitz, Prue Hill
Advertising: Angela Schneider
Membership/Mailing List: Amy Norris
Printing and Distribution: Lynn Smetko