To promote discussion, we choose a yearly theme or challenge (2024 challenge is Traces, 2025 will be Counter Change), more abstract than technical. Each member is encouraged to consider their personal response to the theme, working up a design concept to be developed into a woven piece, maybe based on research, photographs, sketches, and/or an emotional response, and then contributes an article related to the topic. Sometimes it leads to a finished piece, but the main interest is how we got there.
The group meets quarterly on Zoom usually in March, June, September, and December. Each member selects a quarter in which to present their study/article followed by group discussion. Topics/questions of interest to the group will be welcomed.
Fabric Design Challenges welcomes weavers of all levels of experience and with any kind of loom – from rigid heddle to jacquard. If you are interested in exploring the challenges of designing, this group may be for you.