Subscribe: InquisitiveDrawloomWeavers+subscribe@groups.io
This group is intended for experienced weavers who have made the move from single harness to Drawloom weaving. A place to find support, camaraderie, seek information or clarification on equipment, mechanics, as well as weaving appropriate for a drawloom. A place to dig deep into the details of weaving on a drawloom and share triumphs and tragedies. Open to any weaver interested in the various options available to drawloom weavers today IDW is a place to share resources and discussion with others of similar interests. Those experienced weavers newer to drawloom weaving will find a source of inquiry and answers to their questions about getting started and those more experienced will have the opportunity to share their knowledge and experience in a community setting.
- To promote drawloom weaving in all aspects including mechanics, drafting, design, structure and more.
- To promote understanding of weaving on the various drawlooms available to weavers today.
- To provide a forum for discussion, regardless of skill level, where members can converse and learn in a respectful environment.
- To gather and share resources
Member responsibilities
Active participation is encouraged. Zoom meetings will offer unique opportunities to speak directly with other members. Email forum will allow all members to see and respond to questions and comments by the membership.
Each member will supply, to the Chair, a short resume of their drawloom experience which will include:
- What type of drawloom used and pros and cons as they see them
- Structures they like and why
- Structures they would like to learn about
- Why they choose to weave on a drawloom
- Questions you have at present
This information will be shared with the rest of the group.The group will offer articles for the CWJ on occasion. Members can write their own submissions, shared submission by several members or a group submission can be presented by group chair. All member contributions will retain copyright of their own words as shared with the group.
Group Email Addresses
- Post: InquisitiveDrawloomWeavers@groups.io
- Subscribe: InquisitiveDrawloomWeavers+subscribe@groups.io
- Unsubscribe: InquisitiveDrawloomWeavers+unsubscribe@groups.io
- Group Owner: InquisitiveDrawloomWeavers+owner@groups.io
- Help: InquisitiveDrawloomWeavers+help@groups.io
Members are encouraged to suggest study material and stimulate conversation. Smaller groups that study a particular subject are encouraged.
No samples are required. Photos of works are encouraged.