The Complex Weavers Award is provided as an encouragement for weavers to push the boundaries of weaving. The Award focusses on excellence in weaving with specific application of a threading draft or structure to achieve a complex interlacement of threads and fibers beyond plain weave. There is no requirement that the pieces must be woven on a designated number of shafts or on a multiple shaft loom.
In return, CW asks for a description of the piece and a slide and/or photograph that will be copied for the new slide kit, for the gallery on the website and the archives.
A short article for the CW Journal would be appreciated. Each award comes with a certificate and a cherished ribbon featuring the Complex Weavers logo woven by Lillian Whipple. The streamers for the 2012 award were woven by Sandy Hutton.
For more information, contact the First Vice President.
As new winners of the Complex Weavers Award are announced, the details will appear here….