Hi Everyone,
The Complexity exhibition has been very well received and attended at each of its three venues this year. The exhibition started at the Robert Hillestad Textile Gallery at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. It moved to Tacoma, Washington for display at the CW Seminars and then traveled to Providence, Rhode Island during Convergence. In Providence, Complexity is exhibited at the Cohen Gallery within Brown University.
The committees who organized the exhibition and did the installations and removals of the works of art at each venue are to be greatly congratulated and thanked for their outstanding work.
While originally scheduled to be on display until August 14, Brown University informed us Thursday that they must completely close the building and the exhibit a week early to renovate the building before school starts.
The last exhibit day will be August 7, not August 14.
If you know someone in your area who was planning to visit the Complexity exhibit during the last week, please pass the word to them and to your other weaving contacts.
Richard Jeryan