Weavers Handshake


In 2023 a questionnaire was sent to the CW membership – 95% of you responded that you would like online access to CW Seminars. CWOO, the Board of Directors and participating instructors have worked hard to make that happen. Many thanks to everyone who has pitched in. 

The Weavers Handshake is the name we have given to Complex Weavers new online learning platform. For the first time, 14 Seminars will be recorded and published for on-demand viewing in the fall/spring (depending on where you live) of 2024. The online presentations will be free to those attending  the Complex Weavers Seminars this July in Wichita, KS.

Members should check their email for $25 US coupons.

Packets – available July 9 for pre-sale:

If you are a member, make sure to locate your member’s coupon in your email BEFORE you make your purchase. Coupons cannot be applied after a purchase is complete. Look for coupons on July 9.

PLEASE NOTE: Courses are available for a limited time and may not be downloaded for later viewing. Please see the time frame for each Bundle but understand that you will only be able to view the material during the month that is identified.

As sessions become available, please check your inbox for invitations to live meet ups in your time zone for each Bundle to discuss what you are learning with others. We’re trying hard to replicate the post-session meal discussion that goes on at the in-person event as much as possible.

Bundle Number 1: Available for viewing September 1st to September 30th – $150 US ($125 US with member coupon)

Linda Schultz – Tessellations are Cool!
Lynn Smetko – Polychrome Summer and Winter
Denise Kovnat – Weaving Outside the Box: Creating Dimensional Cloth
Laura Carlson Steger and Norma Smayda – Pattern Play with Bertha Gray Hayes (BGH)
Giovanna Imperia – Exploring the design possibilities of wire

Bundle Number 2: Available for viewing October 1st to October 31st – $150 US ($125 US with member coupon)

Brenda Gibson – Joining the Dots – Double Two-Tie Unit Weave Threading System
Sara Nordling – Theo Moorman Explored
Vila Cox – Diversified Plain Weave
Jannie Taylor – Designing Polychrome Taqueté in Weavepoint
Giovanna Imperia – Fabric that Moves – Creating exciting textiles with elastic yarns.

Bundle Number 3: Available for viewing November 1st to November 30th – $125 US ($100 US with member coupon)

Linda Schultz – Double Two-Tie in Parallel
Sara Nordling – Exploring Gradients
Gay McGeary – The Legacy of Star Work Coverlets
Beth Ross Johnson – Shifting Ikat in the Warp and Weft

All-Access Pass (all three packs): Available for viewing as Packs above come online – $325 US ($300 US with member coupon). 

The Weavers Handshake Experiment

The Weavers Handshake is an experiment. Central to the idea is a desire to reach out to weavers in every time zone and life situation to share weaving ideas and expertise at a time that works for them. Ideally the experiment is successful and weavers who have something to share more broadly, whether at CW Seminars or otherwise, have a platform to do so – without giving up precious weaving time to become IT experts. Proceeds from the Weavers Handshake are shared, after expenses, with instructors which will, hopefully, create an incentive to share and opportunities to learn for every weaver in every time and place.

How to Join/Purchase/Participate

The Weavers Handshake is hosted on Thinkific, a widely used learning platform. Go to the link below, find the Bundle you want, click on it and then choose buy now. Your Complex Weaver member account is separate from the Weavers Handshake (Thinkific) account. That means that the passwords can be different and will not synchronize – if one changes, the other does not. If you are a member, make sure to locate your member’s coupon in your email BEFORE you make your purchase. Coupons cannot be applied after a purchase is complete.

Go to this address to create an account or sign in:  https://weavershandshake.complex-weavers.org

Ideas/Comments/Want to Help?

Complete the form below to share your ideas and suggestions – let us know what you are thinking, any ideas for content and whether you’d like to help. Thanks.