Beginning at age seventeen, as an apprentice in Japan, John focused on the study of Japanese textiles, specializing in natural dyes on natural fibers. For the past fifty years it has been his passion to share this love and knowledge that he has been given with others. Currently he hosts a blog focusing on helping fiber people to understand and appreciate the complexities of Japanese weaves and dye techniques, along with the culture behind them. John also hosts a website with a gallery of his work and how-to information for fiber artists.
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Pageantry of Japanese Textiles
A fast-paced survey into all major types of weaves and surface designs produced in Japan since ancient times, including a wide range of slide illustrations as well as an abundance of actual samples of the fabrics and the tools used to produce them. See the elegant techniques, feel the sensuous textures! For this particular program an emphasis is placed on the more challenging weaves including leno weave (karamiori: sha, ra, and ro); cut, looped, and saber velvets; nishiki (taqueté); tapestry (tsudure); and meisen. Participants are welcome to bring along items from their own collections to share and inquire after.