Nancy Arthur Hoskins, a former college weaving instructor, is the author of The Coptic Tapestry Albums; Universal Stitches; Weft-Faced Pattern Weaves; and has contributed chapters about Egyptian textiles to five other books. Nancy has researched Pharaonic, Coptic, Early Islamic, and ancient textiles in Canada, England, France, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Peru, China, Australia, and America. She has presented lectures and workshops both nationally and internationally. Hoskins’ art fabrics have been in solo, group, and invitational exhibits. In 2009 and 2010 she led The Textiles of Egypt Tours, in 2013 presented a lecture at Yale University’s Peabody Museum, and in 2015 took a Textile Tour of Peru, taught in England, and exhibited her art fabrics in Oregon. Her most recent project has been researching, weaving, and writing on a long-range “experimental archaeology” project to analyze and weave the patterned textiles that appear in Egyptian tomb paintings.
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