February 2011

In this gallery, we are pleased to present many of the images and drafts from the following articles:

Two Weavers + Studio Playtime = A Challenge by Kay Faulkner and Judith Krone

Complex Weavers Sample Queen by Agnes Hauptli

Beiderwand by Bonnie Innouye

Sixteens Study Group 2010 Beiderwand Exchange

Acadian Study Group 2005- 2011

Stripe Patterns Using Three Properties by Carla X Gladstone

Another Save:  The Complex Weavers Manuscript Recovery Fund by Marjie Thompson

The Curious Case of the Confederate  Coverlets by Marty Benson

Waffle Dots:  Tie One On, Then Another by Kati Reeder Meek

The Oriole Mill Experience by Sara von Tresckow

Click on a thumbnail to view a large version of the image.  If an image has a little green arrow in the bottom right corner, there is an associated .wif file.  Just click (or tap) the little icon to open it with any weaving program that supports the wif format.



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