Sample Exchange the Old-Fashioned Way

$7.50 (US Funds) by March 1 of each year
Sample Exchange
Sample Exchange:
One sample exchange per year, due date determined yearly.
To Join:
Contact the group chair listed above
Group Began:
Closing Date:
Currently 7; limited to 15

This group does a swatch exchange once a year. Notification of the number of samples required is sent out sometime in March and the sample due date is determined yearly. The group is limited to 15 members which, with a sample for the archives, means a member never needs to make more than 16 samples. This upper limit allows members to work on samples before actually knowing how many will be needed.

The purpose of this group is to allow members to create samples which are focused on their own particular areas of interest or to explore a facet of weaving which they have not tried before and are uncertain if they would continue to be interested in pursuing. Samples can be woven on any number of shafts, of a size to clearly show the structure, usually about 6″ by 6″, and are to be accompanied by the usual information: materials used, drafts, setts, finishing, shrinkage, as well as comments as to purpose, problems encountered and possible solutions, or whatever information is felt to be of interest to other group members. The “Old-Fashioned” means that samples can be woven on a standard treadle loom without use of a computer interface; treadle, table and computerized looms have been used in the past exchanges. CAD is fine.

The fee is US $7.50. We communicate mostly by e-mail, occasionally by phone or surface mail. Any level of weaving skill is acceptable. The idea is for each member to set their own learning goals and to share them with the other members. Over time quite a good, varied collection of samples will be accumulated.

Sample distribution will also be accompanied by a CD of drafts and pertinent information from those members who so consent.