The Early American Coverlets & Counterpanes Study Group, is looking for weavers who are interested in participating in research of 18th and 19th century American handwoven coverlets and counterpanes. The group researches both geometric and fancy coverlets. While the focus of the group is the research of these early art forms, the study group members will also share information on projects they have woven which are based on early coverlets and counterpanes.
The newsletter will be published three times a year. The chair will write one article per issue on such topics as the elements of a coverlet, fabric analysis of coverlet patterns, a bibliography of coverlet related books, block design for coverlet patterns, weave structures used for coverlets and counterpanes and their fringes. It will also include information about southern counterpanes. Members of the study group are asked to contribute book reviews, information on coverlet exhibits, articles on individuals contributing to coverlet research and weaving, as well as results of member’s research and weaving projects.
The study group will include an annual sample exchange. Additional information will be supplied on request.
Information for the exchanges and the newsletters is shared on the group’s website at coverletgroup.com/. Also available on the website are the drafts and samples woven by the group related to their analysis of the coverlets shown in Kathleen Curtis Wilson’s book entitled Textile Art from Southern Appalachia: the quiet work of women.
In 2018, the group is starting a new project for the sample exchange which includes weaving samples for a collection of 19th century southern overshot and counterpane drafts.