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Beyond Plain Weave Garments Study Group, Meg Wilson, Coordinator
- Bateman Blend Weave 130-4 by Ila McCallum
- Handwoven Vest by Virginia Coolidge
- Gray Blazer by Am Somerstein
- Red Heather Wool and Cashmere Jacket by Carole Elliot
- Midnight Wildflower Walk by Julie Hurd
- Clothes Make the Man by Sandra Staff-Koetter
- Summer Tunic Top by Barbara Levin
- Expanding M’s and O’s by Diane Palme
- Braided Twill Vest by Nancy Peck
- Zig-Zag Jacket by Marlene Golden
- All Seasons Top by Mimi Anderson
- Summer Top: Easy and Fun by Meg Wilson
Fabric Patterns Found in Minoan Frescoes by Nancy Arthur Hoskins
The Little Loom that Could: Converting a Table Loom to a Drawloom, Anita Caldwell and Jette Vandermeiden
For Complex Weavers Awards made during 2014 see the dedicated gallery.